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Mombasa: How a clandestine operation akin to a movie resulted in the arrest of two alleged drug traffickers

Police in Likoni, Mombasa County, have arrested two suspects after they were found in possession of bhang. Collins Omondi and Halima Masudi Hassan were arrested Thursday, June 13 in a covert operation by officers from the Anti-Narcotics Unit. “The hunt was on at 1am as a team of Anti-Narcotics officers from Kilindini trailed a suspect as he loitered at the Likoni matatu station, impatiently waiting for a delivery sent from Tanga in Tanzania. As the clock struck 6am, Collins Omondi seized the parcel and discretely stowed it in his Subaru Treza Reg. No. KDE 948E,” the DCI reports. The officers then trailed Omondi to Fazuka Apartment Complex in Utange Solian area, where they swiftly arrested the unsuspecting smuggler. A meticulous search in his vehicle uncovered

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